In the Name of God
Discourse Analysis
Dr. Zahra Amirian
First semester, 1395-1396
This course introduces participants to the fundamental aspects related to theory, research and practice in Discourse analysis (DA). Participants will be acquainted with the basic characteristics and theoretical concepts in DA.
Weekly schedule:
Week 1: Introduction to the course, mode of implementation and assessment. Discussion on expectations of the course
Week 2: Introduction: Discourse as a cross-discipline
Week 3: form vs. function / the role of context in interpretation
Week 4: levels and dimensions of discourse analysis
Week 5: participants in discourse: relationships, roles and identities
Week 6: speech acts and interpretations (1)
Week 7: speech acts and interpretations (2)
Week 8: schematic conventions and co-textual relations
Week 9: socio-cognitive discourse analysis
Week 10: discourse and manipulation
Week 11: critical discourse analysis
Week 12: genre analysis
Week 13: practical analysis of texts in the class (1)
Week 14: practical analysis of texts in the class (2)
Basic texts:
Brown, G. and Yule, G. (1989). Discourse analysis. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
Widdowson, H. G. (2011). Discourse analysis. Oxford University Press.
Johnstone, B. (2008). Discourse analysis. Blackwell.
Some major articles:
Please receive the file of the articles at my office.
Active class participation (critical review of the articles)
Final exam