خطا: Sequence contains no elements نمايشنامه 2
۱۴۰۳ جمعه ۱۷ اسفند
گروه آموزشی :
آدرس پست الکترونیک :
آدرس صفحه شخصی :
شماره درس نام درس زمان ارائه مکان ارائه تاریخ امتحان زمان امتحان
183 سيري درتاريخ ادبيات 2 1401/10/24 شنبه 14:00-16:00
219 نمايشنامه نوين اروپا و آمريكا 1401/10/19 دوشنبه 14:00-16:00
300 نظم و نثر دوره باروك (1750-1600) 1401/10/27 سه شنبه 10:00-12:00
316 ادبيات رنسانس 1401/10/21 چهارشنبه 10:00-12:00
346 بررسي ادبيات رنگين پوستان و مهاجران ايالات متحده آمريكا 1401/10/26 دوشنبه 14:00-16:00
نمايشنامه 2

Drama (2)

Fall 1394

Z. Jannessari Ladani
Office Times: Sat. and Sun. 8:00-9:30

I. Course Description: This course will focus on drama including theory as well as practice. The notion of drama and the way drama developed historically will be discussed. In this semester, we will learn about the history and theory of drama from Restoration up to Modern times. This will include how great figures such as Ibsen influenced the theater and how further changes were brought into the field by Contemporary playwrights and critics. Further, the course will work on a number of plays written by a range of playwrights as examples to trace the theoretical aspects discussed in the introductory discussions. These playwrights and their works include Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, Ibsen’s A Doll House or The Wild Duck, Glaspell’s Trifles, Miller’s Death of a Salesman, and Wilson’s Fences, and Albee’s The Sandbox. Students are expected to follow the instructor’s lectures and take exact notes in class. Students should also have an active participation in class discussions. By the end of the semester, students should be able to recognize and discuss drama.

II. Bibliography: Drama (2) for the Spring Semester 1394 is built around the following materials: students should prepare a copy of number (1) from the Xerox room, but they should purchase number (2). Number (3) is a supplementary source and could be used optionally.

1) Western Drama through the Ages: A Student Reference Guide, Volumes 1 & 2. Edited by Kimball King. London: Greenwood, 2007.

2) Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense (Drama) Volume 3 (Thomas R. Arp & Greg Johnson)

3) A Glossary of Literary Terms (M. H. Abrams, latest edition)

III. Assignments & Grades: Students should study the texts that are assigned to them by the instructor for the following session. Each text or extract should be read before students come to class. Each play will be discussed in one or two or more sessions depending on the course of the class and the span of time necessary for each play. There will be a final exam of sixteen (16) points with essay-type questions related to the material discussed and lectured during the semester. More than two (2) sessions of absence will be reported to the Education Office and the absentee will be deprived of the final exam. Throughout the semester, students will be given two or three projects amounting to four (4) points. All these scores will amount to the final grade of 20: final exam (+16) + projects (+4) = 20).

IV. Week-by-Week Reading Schedule: Please note that this schedule tells students what they need already to have read when they sit down in class in each session. Note also that, once in possession of the Schedule, no one should be in doubt about the assignments.

Week One: 24 Sahrivar 94

Restoration Drama [pp. 95-123 from Western Drama]

Week Two: 31 Sahrivar 94

The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) [prepare the text from the Xerox room]

Week Three: 7 Mehr 94

The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) [prepare the text from the Xerox room]

Week Four: 14 Mehr 94

Modern Drama: Introduction [instructor’s lecture]

Week Five: 21 Mehr 94

{Continued} Modern Drama: Introduction [instructor’s lecture]

Week Six: 28 Mehr 94

A Doll House or Wild Duck (Henrik Ibsen)

Week Seven: 5 Aban 94

{Continued} A Doll House or Wild Duck (Henrik Ibsen)

Week Eight: 12 Aban 94

Trifles (Susan Glaspell)

Week Nine: 19 Aban 94

{Continued} Trifles (Susan Glaspell)

Week Ten: 26 Aban 94

Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller)

Week Eleven: 3 Azar 94

{Continued} Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller)

Week Twelve: 10 Azar 94

Fences (August Wilson)

Week Thirteen: 17 Azar 94

{Continued} Fences (August Wilson)

Week Fourteen: 24 Azar 94

The Sandbox (Edward Albee)

Week Fifteen: 1 Dey 94

Conclusion to the course

Week Sixteen: 8 Dey 94


نكات اخلاق حرفه‌اي دانشجويان:

1. ديرآمدن به كلاس و خارج شدن از كلاس به مدت بيش از 2 يا 3 دقيقه به منزله يك جلسه غيبت محسوب خواهد شد. بنابراين، لطفاً حرمت كلاس را با رعايت زمان كلاس حفظ فرماييد.

2. استفاده از موبايل، لپ‌تاپ، تبلت يا هر ماسماسك ديگري در كلاس ممنوع است. شما هم رئيس جمهور نيستيد. لطفاً حرمت كلاس را در نظر بگيريد.

3. دانشجوياني كه بيش از 2 جلسه غيبت دارند لطفاً خودشان براي حذف درس اقدام كنند و گرنه اين حذف براي ايشان انجام خواهد شد. آوردن هر گونه گواهي پزشكي يا دليل‌تراشي براي توجيه غيبت‌ها باعث مجاز شدن آنها نخواهد شد و تمامي غيبت‌هاي غيرمجاز به آموزش گزارش مي‌شود. اين بند بسيار جدي است، دانشجويان عزيز بعداً نگويند: «ما اطلاع نداشتيم.»

4. ضبط صداي استاد در كلاس و به هنگام تدريس از نظر اينجانب غيرقانوني است. لطفاً از ضبط كردن صداي مدرس بپرهيزيد و به جاي آن يادداشت‌برداري فرماييد.

براي همه شما آرزوي تندرستي و شادكامي دارم و اميدوارم نيمسالي پربار و پركار داشته باشيد كه جوهره زندگي كار و تلاش است، و سستي، بي‌انگيزگي، و تنبلي از دام‌هاي شيطان.

دانشگاه اصفهان
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