۱۴۰۳ شنبه ۲۰ بهمن
منصور توكلي
گروه آموزشی : زبان و ادبيات انگليسي
آدرس پست الکترونیک :
آدرس صفحه شخصی :
Ph.D.,آموزش زبان انگليسي,دانشگاه اصفهان,1382
M.Sc.,آموزش زبان انگليسي,دانشگاه تربيت مدرس,1374
B.Sc.,زبان انگليسي,دانشگاه اصفهان,1371
The Relationship between EFL Learners' Self-efficacy, Strategy Use and their Performance on a Grammar Test: Is there any Difference between High and Low Self-efficacious Learners?,,1403
آرزو نسيمي, منصور توكلي, محسن رضا زاده
The Combined Effects of Task Sequencing and Indirect Corrective Feedback on L2 Writing: Examining the SSARC Model,,1403
سارا ضيايي, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
Simulating and evaluating individualized cognitive abilities of Iranian EFL learners in orthography acquisition using multi-layer perceptron neural network-gray wolf optimizer computational model,,1402
غلامرضا پرويزي, منصور توكلي, محمد اميريوسفي, محسن رضازاده
Teaching English to young learners in private sector of Iranian ELT: Challenges and local realities,,1402
Mahbube Tavakol, منصور توكلي
Adaptation and Validation of a Measure for Evaluating Teacher Adaptability in English Teaching Higher Education: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach,آموزش مهارتهاي زبان(علوم اجتماعي و انساني سابق)-دانشگاه شيراز,1402
شكيبا رستمي, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
Applying a two-parameter item response model to explore the psychometric properties: The case of the Ministry of Science Research and Technology (MSRT) high-stakes English language proficiency test,مطالعات آموزش و فراگيري زبان انگليسي,1401
Shahram Ghahraki, منصور توكلي, Saeed Ketabi
The professional identity of Iranian young-learner teachers of English: A narrative inquiry,,1401
محبوبه توكل, منصور توكلي
Dialectic of Manipulation in Autopoietic Interpreting,مطالعات ترجمه,1401
رسول مرادي , سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
A meta-analysis of the relative effectiveness of technology-enhanced language learning on ESL/EFL writing performance: retrospect and prospect,,1401
معصومه سادات سيدرضائي, محمد اميريوسفي, Ana Gimeno-Sanz, منصور توكلي
The impact of linguistic background on the nature of classroom dyadic interactions: evidence from L2 and L3 learners of English as a foreign language,,1401
محبوبه توكل, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Effects of differences in language aptitude on learning grammatical collocations under elaborated input conditions,,1400
نجمه فرشي, منصور توكلي
Mobile Social Network Sites (MSNSs) for Iranian EFL Teachers' Professional Development,,1400
سعيده كاوشيان, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, Thomas Koehler
Impact of Etherpad-based Collaborative Writing Instruction on EFL Learners Writing Performance, Writing Self-efficacy, and Attribution: A Mixed-Method Approach,,1400
معصومه سادات سيدرضائي, محمد اميريوسفي, آنا خيمنو, منصور توكلي
EFL Learners' and Teachers' Attitudes Towards Classroom Tasks and Their Effects on Task Outcome: The Case of L2 Writing Performance,,1399
سارا ضيايي, منصور توكلي, محسن رضازاده
The Effect of Technology-mediated Reading Comprehension Tasks on Autonomy and Metacognitive Strategy Use by Iranian EFL Intermediate Learners,,1399
مرضيه مهري قهفرخي, منصور توكلي
Construction and validation of Mobile Social Network Sites Utility Perceptions Inventory (MUPI) and exploration of English as foreign language teachers' perceptions of MSNSs for language teaching and learning,,1399
سعيده كاوشيان, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, Thomas Koehler
The Effects of Different Pedagogical Interventions on EFL Learners' Receptive and Productive Knowledge of Formulaic Sequences,,1399
مسعود استكي, منصور توكلي, محمد اميريوسفي
Applying group dynamic assessment procedures to support EFL writing development: Students' and teachers' perceptions in focus,,1399
حشمت اله افشاري, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
Students' Perceptions about Writing Portfolios: A Case of Iranian EFL Students,,1398
بهروز قورچائي, منصور توكلي
A Change without a Change!!: National Curriculum Reform and EFL Teachers’ Motivation in Iran,Journal of English Teaching and Learning Language-مطالعات آموزش فراگيري زبان انگليسي(ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق)-دانشگاه تبريز,1398
Parisa Riahipour, منصور توكلي, عباس اسلامي راسخ
First versus subsequent foreign language development in situated interaction from a Vygotskyan SCT perspective: microgenetic analysis of Persian-speaking learners,,1398
محبوبه توكل, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Applying group dynamic assessment procedures to support EFL writing development: learner achievement, learners' and teachers' perceptions,,1398
حشمت اله افشاري, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
Receiving different types of input for learning and retention of English grammatical collocations in EFL classrooms,,1398
نجمه فرشي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
A Critical Analysis of the Iranian Charter of Professional Ethics for Translators: A Case for Revision,,1398
منصور توكلي, بهاره لطف الهي
Curriculum Reform and Iranian EFL Teachers' Professional Identity: A Marathon of Change!,,1398
پريسا رياحي پور, منصور توكلي, عباس اسلامي راسخ
Usin a Person-Centered Future Time Perspective Intervention to Enhance EFL Learners Willingness to Communicate,,1398
نوراله زرين آبادي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Self-assessment of Writing in a Portfolio Program: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners,Iranian Journal of English for Academic Purposes- دانشگاه دريانوردي و علوم دريايي چابهار (اين مجله از شماره 4 سال 2015 علمي-پژوهشي مي باشد),1398
Behrooz Ghoorchaei, منصور توكلي
Employing Consecutive Interpreting Techniques through Task-based Approach: A Case of Iranian Learners,,1397
شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
Differential effects of explicit and implicit corrective feedback on EFL learners’ willingness to communicate,,1397
منصور توكلي, Nourollah Zarrinabadi
The Post-Graduate Academic English Language Skills and the Language Skills Measured by the Iranian PhD Entrance Exam: A Test Reform and Curriculum Change,,1397
شيلا خيرزاده, سيد سوسن مرندي, منصور توكلي
Core Reflection as a Way Towards Integrating Theoretical Knowledge and Pedagogical Practice in the Iranian Context: The Case of Prospective Language Teachers,Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران,1397
بهاره خزاعي نژاد, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
Using Motivational Strategies in L2 Classrooms: Does Culture Have a Role?,,1397
منصور توكلي, هادي يعقوبي نژاد, نورالله زرين آبادي
Making Sense of Core Qualities to Sustain Professional Development through Core Reflection Practice,,1397
بهاره خزاعي نژاد, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
Metapragmatic instruction (6Rs) versus inputbased practice: a comparison of their effects on pragmatic accuracy and speed in the recognition and oral production of English refusals,,1397
Salva Shirinbakhsh, عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي
On Conductive Argumentation: President Trumps United Nations Address on Iran in Focus,,1397
رسول مرادي جز, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Agency in non-professional manga translation in Iran,,1396
صالح دلفروز عبدالمالکي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Teachers’ Reflections on the Practicality of English In-Service Courses in Iran,,1396
سميه بني اسد آزاد, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Levels of Reading Comprehension Across Text Types: A Comparison of Literal and Inferential Comprehension of Expository and Narrative Texts in Iranian EFL Learners,,1396
محمود سعادت نيا, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
EFL teacher self-efficacy development in professional learning communities,,1396
رضوان ذنوبي, عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي
Teachers’ conceptions of effective teaching and their teaching practices: a mixed-method approach,,1396
منصور توكلي, سميه بني اسد آزاد
Advanced and Intermediate EFL Learners Perceptions and Practices of Autonomous Learning,,1396
سکينه جعفري, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Response, Resistance, or Restraint: A Triadic Model of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions on the (F)utility of Educational Therapy and Life Skills Education in ELT,,1396
منصور توكلي, رضا ذبيحي, مؤمنه قديري
Problematizing EAP education in Iran: A critical ethnographic study of educational, political, and sociocultural roots,,1396
منصور توكلي, محبوبه توکل
Using Moodle E-learning Platform to Enhance Interactions among Learners in the Development of a Curriculum for the Undergraduate Course Consecutive Interpreting,برنامه ريزي درسي نظريه و عمل,1396
زهره قرايي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Delving into Note-Taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus,مطالعات ترجمه,1396
شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
The Use of Personal Metadiscourse over Monologic and Dialogic Modes of Academic Speech,,1396
جواد زارع, منصور توكلي
EFL Learners’ Levels of Comprehension Across Text Structures: A Comparison of Literal and Inferential Comprehension of Descriptive and Enumerative Expository Texts,,1395
محمود سعادت نيا, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Autonomously noticing incorrect languageuse: Does it improve EFL learners grammatical accuracy?,Journal of Teaching Language Skills- (علوم انساني و اجتماعي سابق) - دانشگاه شيراز,1395
سكينه جعفري, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
The effect of learning English as a foreign language on the temporal and spatial perception of Persian learners,,1395
ميثم رحيمي, منصور توكلي
The effect of input-based practice on the accurate and speedy performance of EFL refusals: The role of proficiency and lexical access ability in focus,,1395
سلوي شيرين بخش, عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي
Reflective Teaching through Videotaping in an English Teaching Course in Iran,Journal of Teaching Language Skills- (علوم انساني و اجتماعي سابق) - دانشگاه شيراز,1395
سعيده كاوشيان, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
EFL Teacher Education Programs in Iran: The Absence of Teachers’ Involvement,Iranian Journal of Applied Lingusities- زبان شناسي كاربردي-دانشگاه تربيت معلم,1395
سميه بني اسدآزاد, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Understanding what is possible across a career: professional identity development beyond transition to teaching,,1395
وحيد محمودي گهروئي, منصور توكلي, Doug Hamman
Delving into Note-taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus,,1395
شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
Delving into Note-Taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus,,1395
شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
Delving into Note-Taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus,,1395
منصور توكلي
Delving into Note-Taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus,,1395
شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
Delving into Note-Taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus,,1395
شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
Exploring Motivational Surges Among Iranian EFL Teacher Trainees: Directed Motivational Currents in Focus,,1395
نوراله زرين آبادي, منصور توكلي
Different ways of looking at events: Foreign language learning and the acquisition of L2 action construal patterns,,1395
ميثم رحيمي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
استفاده از فناوري آموزشي مودل در درس «ترجمه شفاهي» با رويكردي ساخت گرايانه اجتماعي: كاركرد «تالار گفتگو» در انجام فعاليت هاي فرايندمحور,,1395
زهره قرائي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
استفاده از فناوري آموزشي مودل در درس «ترجمة شفاهي» با رويكردي ساخت گرايانة اجتماعي: كاركرد تالار گفتگو» در انجام فعاليت هاي فرايند محور,,1395
زهره قرايي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Efficacious EFL Teachers’ Goals and Strategies for Emotion Management: The Role of Culture in Focus,Iranian Journal of Applied Lingusities- زبان شناسي كاربردي-دانشگاه تربيت معلم,1394
فاطمه چهکندي, عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي
Test Administration Conditions of the General English Section of theIranian National PhD Entrance Exam: Are the PhD Exam Candidates Satisfied?,Iranian Journal of Language Testing-موسسه آموزش عالي تابران,1394
Shiela Kheirzadeh, Susan Marandi, منصور توكلي
بررسي مثلثي سازي تجانس بين نياز دانشجويان مقطع دكتري به مهارت هاي زبان انگليسي و مهارت هاي زباني اندازه گيري شده در بخش زبان عمومي آزمون دكتري,,1394
شيلا خيرزاده, سيده سوسن مرندي, منصور توكلي
Development of a Criticality-oriented English Teaching Perceptions Inventory (CETPI) and Exploring its Internal Consistency and Underlying Factor Structure,,1394
مومنه قديري مدرس, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Adopting a Mixed Methods Approach to Assessing Foreign Language Teachers’Teaching/Learning Conceptions and TheirLanguage Teaching Biases,,1394
منصور توكلي, رضا ذبيحي, مومنه قديري
Design, Construct Validation, and Integrated Application of a Happiness Teaching Perceptions Inventory (HTPI),,1394
رضا ذبيحي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
The Effectiveness of CALL in Helping Persian L2 Learners Produce the English Vowel /?/,,1394
ميثم رحيمي, منصور توكلي
The Effects of Two Pre-Listening Vocabulary and Enhanced Content-Related Supports on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension Sub-Skills,,1394
اصغر رامشيان فر, محمدتقي شاه نظري درچه, منصور توكلي
Introducing Culturally-Adaptive English Language Pedagogy (CELP): Integrating Critical Cultural Awareness through the ‘little-c’ Culture in Iran’s EFL Curriculum,,1394
مومنه قديري مدرس, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
The effects of repetition and L1 lexicalization on incidental vocabulary acquisition by Iranian EFL Learners,,1394
محمدعلي حيدري شهرضا, منصور توكلي
The Combined Effects of Online Planning and Task Structure on Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency of L2 Speech,,,1394
محمد جواد احمديان, منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي
The Effects of Concept Mapping Strategy and Aural vs. Written Prompts on Writing Test Performance under Different Planning Conditions,Journal of Teaching Language Skills- (علوم انساني و اجتماعي سابق) - دانشگاه شيراز,1393
نجمه فرشي, منصور توكلي
Examining the Internal Consistency Reliability and Construct Validity of the Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI) among Iranian EFL Learners,,1393
رضا ذبيحي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, منا قديري
Direct versus Translated Writing: The Effect of Translation on Learners’ Second Language Writing Ability,,1393
منصور توكلي, مومن قديري, رضا ذبيحي
Critical contrastive rhetoric in action: Iranian EFL learners writing in focus,,1393
مرضيه رفيعي آفاراني, حسين وحيددستجردي, منصور توكلي
An empirical study into the effects of Iranian test takers personal attributes on their TOEFL scores: Reading, writing, and listening in focus,,1393
محمد اميريوسفي, منصور توكلي
The effect of Metacognitive Instruction on improving listening comprehension ability of Intermediate EFL Learners,,1393
مهدي لطيفي, منصور توكلي, عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني
The Effects of Direct Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanation on EFL Learners’ Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of English Definite and Indefinite Articles,Journal of English Teaching and Learning Language-مطالعات آموزش فراگيري زبان انگليسي(ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق)-دانشگاه تبريز,1393
محسن رضازاده, منصور توكلي, عباس اسلامي راسخ
The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and the Age ofInstitutional Teachers,,1393
ماني جوزداني, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
The effects of the Frequency of TOEFL iBT as Quizzes on Real-life Reading Comprehension Tasks: The Discourse in Focus,,1393
احمدرضا بيگي ريزي, منصور توكلي
The effects of a self-regulatory approach on the listening comprehension achievement of EFL learners,,1393
مهدي لطيفي, منصور توكلي, عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني
Skill-specificity of language practice and transferability of language skills: The case of listening and speaking,,1393
مجيد فرشيد, عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Peer, Self, and Traditional Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ L2 Reading Comprehension,,1392
نسرين شمس, منصور توكلي
The effects of simultaneous use of pre-planning along +/-Here-and-Now dimension on fluency, complexity, and accuracy of Iranian EFL learners’ written performance,,1392
عليرضا محمدزاده محمد آبادي, عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
Investigating What Second Language Learners Do and Monitor under Careful Online Planning Conditions,,1392
محمدجواد احمديان, منصور توكلي
Individual and Collaborative Planning Conditions: Effects on Fluency, Complexity and Accuracy in L2 Argumentative Writing,آموزش مهارتهاي زبان(علوم اجتماعي و انساني سابق)-دانشگاه شيراز,1392
منصور توكلي, محسن رضازاده
Implementation of corrective feedback in an English as a foreign language classroom through dynamic assessment,,1392
منصور توكلي, مرضيه نزاکت الحسيني
Critical Perspectives on Contrastive Rhetoric: A Report From Iranians EFL Reading Textbooks,Journal of English Teaching and Learning Language-مطالعات آموزش فراگيري زبان انگليسي(ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق)-دانشگاه تبريز,1392
مرضيه رفيعي آفاراني, حسين وحيددستجردي, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Different Online Planning Conditions on EFL Learners Writing test Performance in Terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency: The Concept Mapping Strategy in Focus,,1392
نجمه فرشي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Investigating the role of context in resolving discourse anaphoric relations: Does text genre variability play a part?,,1392
عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي, مومنه قديري, رضا ذبيحي
An introspective study on the construct validity of GRE tests: A plea for more qualitative research in language assessment,,1392
منصور توكلي, مجيد فرشيد, محسن رضازاده
Investigating Development of Interactive Metadiscourse Resources in the Writings of Iranian EFL Learners: A Process-Based Approach to Writing,,1392
ليلا بهرامي, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
Self-Evaluation through Videotaping as an Alternative Mode of Teaching Supervision: A Comparison of Self and Supervisor Ratings,,1392
سعيده كاوشيان, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching Accompanied by Songs on Iranian EFL learners’ Learning L2 Grammar and their Attitudes,,1392
منصور توكلي
L2 Reading Strategies Used by Iranian EFL Learners: A Think-Aloud Study,,1392
مائده السادات قوام نيا, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Pre-Task and Online Planning Conditions on Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency on EFL Learners’ Written Production,,1392
مائده السادات قوام نيا, منصور توكلي, مسعود استکي
A comparative analysis of reading strategies across ESP students of humanities and engineering,,1392
مهدي واعظ دليلي, منصور توكلي
Enhancing learners’ emotions in an L2 context through emotionalized dynamic assessment,,1392
پريسا عبدالرضاپور, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Qualitative analysis of mediational strategies in emotionalized dynamic assessment of L2 reading comprehension,,1392
پريسا عبدالرضاپور, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Backward Pragmatic Transfer: The Case of Refusals in Persian,,1392
منصور توكلي, سلوي شيرن بخش
مائده السادات قوام نيا, منصور توكلي, محسن رضازاده
Iranian EAP Students Reading Strategy Use and their Beliefs about Reading Comprehension Components: toward an EAP Reading Model,,1391
محمد اميريوسفي, حسين وحيددستجردي, منصور توكلي
the relationship between Iranian EFL learners rote learning strategy use and their level of proficiency,,1391
سميرا حياتي ساميان, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Context on the EFL Learners Idiom Processing Strategies,,1391
غلامرضا روحاني راوري, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Referential, quasi, and expletive subjects in L2 English of Persian speakers,آموزش مهارتهاي زبان(علوم اجتماعي و انساني سابق)-دانشگاه شيراز,1391
احمد علي بابايي, منيژه يوحنائي, منصور توكلي
Analysis of Interactional Metadiscourse Markers across Applied Linguistics Disciplines: Focusing on EFL Learners’ Perception,,1391
منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, فاطمه مسلمي
The Effect of Context on the Iranian EFL Learners’Idiom Retention,,1391
غلامرضا روحاني راوري, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
the effect of curriculum-based measurement on EFL learners achievements in grammar and reading,تحقيقات كاربردي در زبان انگليسي,1391
منصور توكلي, سميرا عاطفي بروجني
The Effect of Cultural Adaptation on EFL Reading Comprehension: The Role of Narrative Nativization and Foreign Language Attitude,,1391
منصور توكلي, سلوي شيرين بخش, محسن رضازاده
Applying strategies for dealing with lack of subject knowledge:Can Language Teachers Be Effective ESP Teachers?,,1391
منصور توكلي, نجمه نصري, محسن رضازاده
The Effect of Keyword and Pictorial Methods on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Retention,,1391
منصور توكلي, الهام گرامي
Improvement of Metadiscourse Use among Iranian EFL Learners through a Process- based Writing Course,Journal of English Teaching and Learning Language-مطالعات آموزش فراگيري زبان انگليسي(ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق)-دانشگاه تبريز,1391
منصور توكلي, ليلا بهرامي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
Moving along general-specific purpose English continuum in assembeling a test: on the dimensionality of an admission language test for accounting,,1391
راضيه رباني يكتا, منصور توكلي
The Relationship between Translation Tests and Reading Comprehension: A Case of Iranian University Students,Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies-دانشگاه سيستان و بلوچستان-همكاري با انجمن زبانشناسي ايران,1391
منصور توكلي, شيلان شفايي, امير حسين حاتم
TESOL as happiness praxis,,1391
رضا ذبيحي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Testing EFL Learners Knowledge of English Collocations: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach,,1390
محمود سليمي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Is ESP (EAP) a Composite or Simple Construct? Spec- Reverse Engineering of a Specific Purpose Language Test,,1390
راضيه رباني يكتا, منصور توكلي, عباس اسلامي راسخ
The Role of Depth versus Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Success and Ease in L2 Lexical Inferencing,,1390
سروناز حاتمي, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on the Development of Metadiscourse Awareness in EFL Learners Writing in the Academic Context,,1390
منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
The Relationship between Lexical Inferencing Strategies and L2 Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners,,1390
منصور توكلي, سميرا حياتي
Application of Critical Classroom Discourse Analysis (CCDA)in Analyzing Classroom Interaction,,1390
سيما صادقي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, مسلم صادقي
Analyzing Classroom Discourse in an EFL Situation: Towards Critical Classroom Discourse Analysis,,1390
سيما صادقي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, مسلم صادقي
Change of the state representation of words in viewing instantaneous speech texts,,1390
راضيه رباني يكتا, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
The effect of task-based instruction on the acquisition and use of English existential constructions by Iranian EFL learners,,1390
حسين محمدي فارساني, منصور توكلي, احمد معين زاده
Do C-Test and Cloze procedure measure what they purport to be measuring? A Case of Criterion-Related Validity,,1390
مسعود سعيدي, منصور توكلي, شيرين رحيمي كازروني, وحيد پرورش
cloze test and c-test revisited: the effect of genre familiarity on second language reading test performance,Iranian Journal of Applied Lingusities- زبان شناسي كاربردي-دانشگاه تربيت معلم,1390
منصور توكلي, عليرضا احمدي, مريم بحراني
The Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness and EFL Listening Performance: Focusing on IELTS Higher and Lower Scorers,,1390
منصور توكلي, سارا هاشمي شهركي, محسن رضازاده
The Role of Task Type in Foreign Language Written Production:Focusing on Fluency, Complexity, and Accuracy,,1390
محسن رضازاده, منصور توكلي, عباس اسلامي راسخ
Mnemonic Effectiveness of CL-motivated Picture-elucidation Tasks in Foreign Learners Acquisition of English Phrasal Verbs,,1390
حسين محمدي فارساني, احمد معين زاده, منصور توكلي
Vocabulary learning and learners’ ability to transfer their knowledge into L2 reading comprehension: A case for translation,Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران,1390
علي جهانگرد, احمد معين زاده, منصور توكلي
Beyond Reading Comprehension: The Effect of Adding a Dynamic Assessment Component on EFL Reading Comprehension,,1390
مهدي مرداني, منصور توكلي
An inquiry-based approach to teacher professionalism: toward a trichotomous model of critical ethnography,,1390
منصور توكلي, sima sadeghi
Exploring the utility of action research to investigate second-language classrooms as complex systems,,1390
محمدجواد احمديان, منصور توكلي
An investigation into the argumentation in dialogic media genres: The case of sport talk show interviews,,1390
منصور توكلي, Momene Ghadiri
Structural Analysis of Lexical Bundles Across Two Types of English News Papers,,1390
مرضيه رفيعي آفاراني, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
The Effect of Explicit Strategy Instruction on L2 Oral Production of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners: Focusing on Accuracy, Fluency and Complexity,,1390
منصور توكلي, حسين وحيددستجردي, Masood Esteki
The relationship between emotional intelligence and EFL learners achievement in reading comprehension,,1390
پريسا عبدالرضاپور, منصور توكلي
An Investigation into Good and Poor Iranian EFL Majors Vocabulary Learning Strategies,Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران,1390
حسن سودمند افشار, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
The effects of simultaneous use of careful online planning and task repetition on accuracy, complexity, and fluency in EFL learners’ oral production,,1389
محمدجواد احمديان, منصور توكلي
Corrective Feedback in the L2 Classroom : Matched-gender and Mixed-gender Dyads in Focus,,1389
Ehsan Rassaei, منصور توكلي
Vocabulary Learning and L2 Reading Comprehension: A Case for Translation,,1389
علي جهانگرد, احمد معين زاده, منصور توكلي
The cooperative principle in discourse communities and genres: A framework for the use of metadiscourse,,1389
Reza Abdi, منوچهر توانگر, منصور توكلي
Certainty and Conventional Indirectness in Persian and American Request Forms,,1389
عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي, parisa abdolrezapour
The Impact Of Portfolio Assessment On Iranian EFL Students’ Essay Writing: A Process-Oriented Approach,,1389
بهروز قورچائي, منصور توكلي, داريوش نژادانصاري مهابادي
Persian Cultural Schema of Ghesmat (Fate): The Role of Age and Education,,1389
سلوي شيرين بخش, عباس اسلامي راسخ, منصور توكلي
A Swalesian Genre Approach to the Investigation of the Introduction Sections of English, Persian, and EFL Applied Linguistic Research Articles,,1389
زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
Authenticity and Authentication in Language Testing: an Operational Perspective,,1388
نعمت الله شموسي, منصور توكلي
On the benefits of Careful Within-Task Planning and Task Repetition in EFL Classrooms,,1388
محمدجواد احمديان, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي, زهره كسائيان
digital semiotics in ESP/EAP materials development:the study of the effects of dvd options for developing text-independent thinking/reaDING,,1388
راضيه رباني يكتا, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
The Effect of Metadiscourse Awareness on L2 Reading Comprehension: A case of Iranian EFL Learners,,1388
منصور توكلي, عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني, زهره خوروش
The Effect of Noticing on the Judgement of Lexical Collocations: The Case of Language Proficiency and Complexity of Patterns,,1388
اسماعيل علي سليمي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Investigating the relationship among test anxiety , gender,academic achievement and years of study:A case study of iranian EFL university,,1388
محسن رضازاده, منصور توكلي
Investigating the relationship between self-assessment and teacher-assessment in academic contexts: A Case of Iranian university students,,1388
منصور توكلي
On the Relationship Between Risk-taking and Self-assessment of Speaking Ability:a Case of Freshman EFL Learners,,1388
منصور توكلي, بهروز قورچايي
A Comparison of the Effects of Corrections on Definite/Indefinite Articles and Regular/Irregular Past Tense Forms: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners,,1388
عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
Marking Manner Metadiscoursively : Conceptualizing Metadiscourse within the Framework of Cooperative Principle,,1388
رضا عبدي, منصور توكلي, منوچهر توانگر
The Effect of Different Types of Planning on The Oral Production of Morphosyntactic Features,Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران,1388
منصور توكلي, محمد جواد احمديان
Assessment in a multilingual world: English as an International Language (EIL),,1387
نعمت الله شموسي, منصور توكلي
The Impact of Corrective Feedback on Learning Articlesas well as Regular/Irregular Forms,دانشكده ادبيات و علوم انساني(زبان و ادبيات)-دانشگاه شهيد باهنركرمان-همكاري با انجمن زبان و ادبيات فارسي,1387
عزيزاله دباغي ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
Genre Analysis: An Investigation of the Discussion Sections of Applied Linguistics Research Articles,,1387
زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, زهره كسائيان, منصور توكلي
Discourse Completion Tasks as Elicitation Tools: How Convergent Are They?,,1387
وحيد پرورش, منصور توكلي
Reassessing the ESP Courses Offered to Engineering Students in Iran.,,1387
زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
A Contrastive Intercultural Analysis of the English and Persian Research Articles: The Case of the Discussion Sections,,1387
زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي
The Role of Motivation in ESP Reading Comprehension Test Performance,Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران,1387
منصور توكلي
Assessment in a multilingual world: English as an International Language (EIL),International Economics Studies-اقتصادبين الملل (پژوهشي سابق) - دانشگاه اصفهان,1386
نعمت الله شموسي, منصور توكلي
Form-Focused Second Language Vocabulary Learninig as a Predictor of General Proficiency Achievement in the High School Second-Graders: A Case for Translation in a Longitudinal Study,پژوهش علوم انساني-دانشكده ادبيات و علوم انساني دانشگاه بوعلي سيناي همدان,1385
علي جهانگرد, احمد معين زاده, منصور توكلي
LEARNER VARIABLES AND ESP TEST PERFORMANCE,Iranian Journal of Applied Lingusities- زبان شناسي كاربردي-دانشگاه تربيت معلم,1382
اكبر افقري, منصور توكلي
Parallal Processing and L2 Vocabulary Recall,رشد آموزش زبان,1380
منصور توكلي
the Effect of Simultanious Use of Online Planning and Task Repetition on Accurate and Fluent Oral Production of Morphosyntactic Features,International Economics Studies-اقتصادبين الملل (پژوهشي سابق) - دانشگاه اصفهان,
منصور توكلي, محمد جواد احمديان
TESOL as happiness praxis,,
منصور توكلي, ?
Qualitative analysis of meditational strategies in emotionalized dynamic assessment of L2 reading comprehension,,
پريسا عبدالرضاپور, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
Enhancing learners’ emotion in an L2 context through emotionalized dynamic assessment,,
سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, ?
منصور توكلي, ?
EFL Teacher Education Programs in Iran: The Absence of Teachers’ Involvement,,
سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, ?
Making Sense of Core Qualities to Sustain Professional Development through Core Reflection Practice,,
منصور توكلي
Making Sense of Core Qualities to Sustain Professional Development through Core Reflection Practice,,
منصور توكلي
Making Sense of Core Qualities to Sustain Professional Development through Core Reflection Practice,,
زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني, منصور توكلي, ?
A Change without a Change!!: National Curriculum Reform and EFL Teachers’ Motivation in Iran,,
منصور توكلي
A Change without a Change!!: National Curriculum Reform and EFL Teachers’ Motivation in Iran,,
منصور توكلي
Metapragmatic instruction (6Rs) versus inputbased practice: a comparison of their effects on pragmatic accuracy and speed in the recognition and oral production of English refusals,,
منصور توكلي, ?, ??
Metapragmatic instruction (6Rs) versus inputbased practice: a comparison of their effects on pragmatic accuracy and speed in the recognition and oral production of English refusals,,
منصور توكلي
Applying a two-parameter item response model to explore the psychometric properties: The case of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) high-stakes English language proficiency test,,
شهرام قهركي, منصور توكلي, سعيد كتابي
The Effect of Feedback Scope Through Digital Modality (Synchronous vs. Asynchronous) on Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency of Iranian EFL Learners' Written Productions,,
ريحانه شوقي, منصور توكلي, زهرا اميريان ورنوسفادراني
The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on Students'' achievement in EAP Context (3927),The 3ed conference on Issnes in TEFL in Iran,1384/02/01 _ 1384/02/01,منصور توكلي
Assessing Oral Ability in EAP Context. (4295),The fourth International ELT Research Conference Reflecting on insights from ILT Research,1383/10/12 _ 1383/10/12,منصور توكلي
Investigating the Relationship between Performance Testing and Alternative Assessments in Academic Context (),Third TELLSI Conference, _ ,منصور توكلي
Investigating the Relationship between Language Testing and SLA : Toward a Multi-level view of Second Language Assessment (),4th Conference on Issues in TEFL in Iran, _ ,منصور توكلي
frequency and diversity of personal metadiscourse across monologic and dialogic modes of academic speech (3742),the 12th international tellsi conference,1393/12/06 _ 1393/12/06,javad zare, منصور توكلي
Video-enhanced Reflection in Iran: Impacts of Gender and Experience (4546),Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtsschaft, Wissenschaft und Offentlicher Verwaltung,1396/07/26 _ 1396/07/26,سعيده کاوشيان, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي, توماس کوهلر
Turning Academic Chaos into Calm: Consecutive Interpreting Techniques in Focus (3650),Teacing Translation and Interpreting(TTI5),1396/06/24 _ 1396/06/24,شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي
Drama Techniques and Public Speaking Skills in Consecutive Interpreting Learning Context: Neglected or Forgotten (2720),Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translation Education,1396/07/20 _ 1396/07/20,شيلان شفيعي, منصور توكلي
Directed Motivational Currents in L2,Springer Nature Switzerland,1398,نوراله زرين آبادي, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
Research Methodology and Design in Language Education,انتشارات دانشگاه اصفهان,1396,منصور توكلي
Methodology in English Language Teaching,دانشگاه اصفهان,1395,منصور توكلي
english for the students of biomedical engineering,دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي واح شهرضا,1394,منصور توكلي, مژگان حميدنيا, مرضيه رفيعي
Reflection through Videotaping and Teachers' Professional Development,LAP Lambert Academic Publishing,1392,سعيده کاوشيان, سعيد كتابي, منصور توكلي
english for the students of engineering,دانشگاه اصفهان,1392,منصور توكلي, شهلا سيمين
English for the Students of Clinical Psychology 2,سمت,1390,غلام رضا عباسيان, منصور توكلي
شماره درس نام درس زمان ارائه مکان ارائه تاریخ امتحان زمان امتحان
156 تحليل نظري و عملي روشهاي تحقيق پيشرفته 1401/10/24 شنبه 14:00-16:00
279 روش تحقيق درمسائل آموزش زبان 1401/10/21 چهارشنبه 14:00-16:00


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